Based in Hull, RES Group offers fire safety services to a range of premises, whether that be commercial, industrial or government-owned properties. We are huge advocates for safety in all forms. Our teams of experienced fire protection professionals from Hull, Yorkshire and across the UK are prepared to address any fire safety concerns you might have and deliver peace of mind while complying with government laws.
At RES Group, we provide dedicated fire safety services across Yorkshire, Hull and the UK. Our expert team specialises in supplying, installing and servicing fire safety equipment. This allows any business and property type to be fully equipped with the necessary fire protection supplies.
We offer tailored fire safety services to meet the unique and specific needs of our customers so you can rest assured that no matter how large or small your premises are, we’ve got you covered.
Understanding the specific fire safety needs of your unique business type is crucial. At RES Group we provide a range of services, including a comprehensive site survey, where one of our expert team members assesses the premises and determines both the number of specific pieces of fire equipment you need and also the types of fire extinguishers that are required. We are committed to making your workplace safer by offering tailored fire extinguisher solutions, all complying with safety rules and regulations. Our goal is to help you be well-prepared for any emergency situation.
Professional and expert installation, alongside maintenance of any fire safety equipment, including extinguishers, is required and vital for the safety of others. Here at RES Group, we provide a range of fire protection services that ensure that you are up to date with current regulations and that all equipment functions optimally.